Introduction to the writings of Zaviar Anisestar

I have spent much time in libraries. I am an aficionado of old tomes.I appreciate a book that has been in the hands of some other human, experienced their essence and possibly even contains remnants of their existence in the form of notes, scrawls and the like. Even inscriptions in the blank first pages can be exciting,intriguing and informative. A brief insight into other lives lived.Loves longed for or lost.

I enjoy perusing thrift shops and used book stores and the like looking for any treasures of times past. I have been known to give used books as gifts as well as adding them to my own library.

It was upon one such excursion to a small used book store sandwiched in between a lumber yard and a laundromat in an out of the way village in rural Pennsylvania that I came upon a tome entitled From Ritual to Romance by Jessie L. Weston. Being an account of the Holy Grail I was enticed into purchasing it and when I got it home and sat down to examine it I found this inscription on the inside just as a folded page of text slipped from somewhere within: 

"to Eloise with Love and Enchantment. May you remember me by my slightly skewed look upon the beliefs of our mutual ancestors.-with great admiration,Zavi".                   Beside it was a scribbled sigil  that resembled a bindrune of a peace sign, a heart and an eyeball.

I found that every so many chapters in my new old book had folded pages of text and writings by one Zaviar Anisestar-self proclaimed Wizard of the Highest Order and Being of Natural Praxis.

His writings are similar to the standard runic, mystic crystal revelation,golden living dreams of vision, lunar, solar,tarot, new age and old ways practices and such of the ancient Celts and Nordic sages as presented to us as New Age but with a slightly different twist on all those teachings. 

Since I could find no mention of this man anywhere I felt perhaps I was destined, appointed by the Fates even ,to make his way of looking at these practices available for the scholars of such arts .

I have done my best to record them as best I could from his scribbled writings and the skewered drawings contained in those pages that I discovered.

I confess that my translation may in fact reflect my own bias.


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