The Writings of One Zaviar Anisestar - Wizard of the Highest Order and Being of Natural Praxis.
Being my insight into the Magicking and Mystical.
My vision of the Alchemical symbols, runes and oghams and ritual practices of the Nordic,Celtic,Slavic and Dietsch peoples of my ancestry
A grimoire on esoteric practices.
We start with the runes.
I follow the Elder Futhark as laid down by those who introduced writing to the Northern areas.
Words are Magick in and of themselves.
I have seen many different variations of symbols called the Witch's runes. But what is a witch but one who draws the Force of Nature to themselves and works that force to their advantage.
I prefer to let Nature give it's Forces to me freely and work me with that Magick.
I have set forth my own version { as imagined here } which I call the Hermit's Runes due to my solitary lifestyle.
First, the opposites, the Yin and the Yang and the Union thereof.Two distinct and intertwined forces that cannot exist without the other.
Next are the Elements.
The Ether.The Sun gives us Fire Energy.The Air.The Water.The Earth which gives the Harvest. the end, the reward .
Then the Moon and Stars.
The Four Directions,East,West,North,South,the Four Corners of the World.
And Wisdom.Knowledge.
We toss and draw these Runes and are reminded and charged with the Energies of what they represent.
The Year is a Wheel,a cycle of Time.
From when the blossoms Spring forth, the growing Season,the Harvest and the Stillness it turns continuously and those who follow Nature have given each Lunar cycle it's own designation.
I see the the Springing forth of the yellow bush Forsythia followed by the Cherry blossoms.The Mulberry gives it's fruit and the Box Elder produces it's samara.The Poison Ivy and the Honeysuckle are profuse each in their own way, the first protecting the Wood and the second offering fragrance and nectar as my garden flourishes.The Walnut,Hickory and Oak begin to drop their seed to be squirreled away in Autumn in preparation for the serene season as the Ash drops it's samara and the Hickory bare their thorns. The Winterberry supplies it's fruit for the season it is named for in which the Cedar stands evergreen.
Each of these plants has a gender and relates to a New Moon,a rune, a planet, an oil, a crystal,a chakra, an element, the zodiac as a have depicted here
I took the liberty to create cards from his scribbled images
The ogham I have devised is simple and linear, beginning with the first full moon after Winter Solstice as one horizontal line and proceeding to add next cycle a vertical line then horizontal slashes for each consecutive moon, creating a V at top then inverting and subtracting slashes respectively until the last new moon after Sowen.
I humbly offer my take from his description
The wheel divides the Lunar cycles and they in turn have been divided into weeks and the week into days which have been given names related to those whom the ancients saw as deities.I myself worship no gods.I worship not. I am one with Nature and connected to everything whilst maintaining my independent nature but I do use the names that society uses with the day of the Moon being the start of the week followed by Tir's day, Woden's day,Thor's day, Frigga's day, the god of agriculture's day and the day of the Sun.
To each of these I have assigned a crystal by it's numerical vibration and an oil.
Respectively,along with their corresponding planet,they are:
white quartz/black obsidian and anise.moon
red coral/tiger's eye and birch.mars
chrysoprase and basil.mercury
moonstone and clove.jupiter
carnelian and cinnamon.venus
citrine and cedar.saturn
rose quartz and sage.sun
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